Community Builder

Community Builder is a great platform to help you get started with building your community.

You can start a group, manage your members and supporters, set-up an event and allocate your volunteers, in a really simple and user friendly interface.

Of course you can easily export your contacts at any time and upgrade to Community Builder Enterprise if you want to start doing fancy stuff like online banking and accounting for your organisation.

We're not the types to throw you in the deep end, so we have a very close relationship with our clients as we continue to add new features to make your life easier and your community even more engaging.


Community Builder has its roots in volunteering, with thousands of events spread across the country.  Whether you've got 100 local campaigns running a thousand events, or just a dozen, Community Builder makes it easy for you to keep in touch and roster your volunteers and other participants across the day/s.


Community Builder is all about organising for a purpose.  That's why we also make it easy for your community to lobby your local MP on important policy issues or create a petition to formally put your concerns on record in Parliament.  Of course, you probably want to run your campaign through social media too so we make it easy for you!


Events are fundamental to bringing your community together. Whether it's a major campaign event or a relaxed meet-up, you can easily enable people to sign-up to your next event online and shoot them an email or SMS with updates to keep them fired up!



In the words of an 80's pop-star, "Money changes everything".  With your passion for the cause and a little help from Community Builder's Donor Wallet, we have no doubt you will be well on your way to getting the money you need.

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Suite 101, 100 George Street, Parramatta NSW 2150

Phone Number

1300 GOV 2AU (1300 468 228)

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